Oiled Strike On Mamazon Island

Oiled Strike On Mamazon Island

This is the complete ball-batter boiling bikini pictorial from November 2002 SCORE that accompanied SaRenna's full-length interview conducted by SCORE's Editor Dave Rosen during the Mega-Boob Olympics week. If you don't have either the Mega-Boob Olympics video or DVD, you're missing out on one of the wildest, greatest events in boobological history.

Her bikini doesn't stay on very long before SaRenna gets that oil going, so have that towel ready.
Featuring: SaRenna Lee
Date: November 22nd, 2024
Photos: 97

Member Comments

2 months ago 

Photo 69, 92 and 97 are her close up great pink pussy shots.
The drop of pussy juice (Fluor, Vaginal Discharge) that is about to spill out from the posterior labial commissure at the lower end of the vaginal entrance is very fantastic!

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